Launching an OnlyFans

So we now have an OnlyFans page. We’re starting there with posting our weigh-ins from week 0. As we weighed in each week, we were having to edit out some content not suitable for the other places we’ve posted. We have versions of our videos best suited to a place like OnlyFans, and so that’s where the longer more playful versions of our videos will be. We set the price of access to the lowest price they allow. Any money earned there will go to offset our costs of producing and hosting our videos and to a future ‘social community’ we’re building.

We launched!

After recording a month of videos to track our food and weight, we made them public on YouTube. Its a little scary to do this, but we did it!

We’re going all in!

Week 0

Today is the first day we do our weigh-ins and measurements and post them to YouTube where everyone who wants can watch and follow. We worked hard on getting the courage to do this for years. Here we are.

Our next post will a patreon only video where we introduce ourselves and do our very first public weigh-in and body measuring.